Once extinct in the wild, reintroduced red
wolves look like a distinct species, but their
genetics show mixing with other canids.
–U.S. Fish and Wildlife

If you’re a red wolf,
you know what I’m talking about.

You’re almost gone.

Why wouldn’t you mate
with gray wolves, coyotes, dogs?

I’d do it, give up the coral edges
of my ears, my reddish brows,

even the tawny fur
that blossoms down my snout
and slips into my whiskers.

But, Red, don’t change your nose,

heady well that every scent falls into:
rotting cypress, mouse feces,
lynx pee wet in leaf fall.


The tree frog’s throat rattles
like little nails riveting into your skin,

the milk snake
shushing pine needles as you pass.